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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney in Tulsa

Do you feel like you’re working harder than ever, but still cannot get ahead? Are you struggling with a large amount of debt? If so, Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be your best option for finding a way out of debt and putting a stop to creditor harassment. A skilled bankruptcy lawyer can help you find an option that protects your interests.


At Dana Law Inc., we work closely with people who are struggling with debt. We take the time to form a personal relationship with our clients, which allows us to better help them achieve their goals. We will not be satisfied until you have the peace of mind that comes with debt relief.

Get the relief you need. Contact our firm today to discuss your bankruptcy options with the skilled bankruptcy attorney, Dana McDaniel.

What Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, also known as “reorganization bankruptcy,” can be a great way for people to achieve debt relief and is often the route taken by people who do not qualify for Chapter 7. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you enter into a payment plan to pay back past due income taxes, catch up on your mortgage, etc., and you may be required to pay back a percentage of your unsecured creditors if you have disposable income. The payment plan lasts three to five years.

In addition to the discharge of your unsecured debts (with a few exceptions such as student loans and child support ) after the payment plan is concluded, another benefit of Chapter 13 is the granting of the automatic stay. This will prevent collections agencies from continuing to pursue you, putting a stop to the harassing phone calls and garnishment of wages.


Who Is Eligible for Chapter 13?

For your Chapter 13 Plan to be approved, the Court must be satisfied that you have the sufficient ongoing income to make the monthly payment that your Plan proposes. A skilled bankruptcy attorney can help you determine whether Chapter 13 is right for you.

Find out if Chapter 13 is right for you. Call 918-585-8500 to speak to attorney Dana McDaniel about your situation.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.




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